September 7, 2024



Linden sweeper-cleaners to receive back-pay in time for Christmas

Regional Executive Officer Dwight John

For three months, several sweeper-cleaners attached to the Region 10 Regional Democratic Council (RDC), on a contractual basis, were working without pay. Following representation made on their behalf by the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), the sweeper-cleaners were informed via a memorandum, that they will be paid for the period they worked for.

Regional Executive Officer (REO), Dwight John, confirmed that the situation was brought to his attention and he engaged the Public Service Commission (PSC) on the issue. He said he wanted the cleaners to get money in their pockets in time for Christmas and is happy that they did. “It’s just for people to be paid for Christmas. So they can enjoy time with their family………and have money in their pockets. I am just happy that the staff will be better off for Christmas, “he said.

Policy makers of the RDC however, expressed concern that the sweeper- cleaners will not be reemployed in 2021. REO John said PSC will be engaged on the matter, while Region 10 Industrial Relations Officer  Maurice Butters, said his Executives will engage the government for the cleaners to be given a one-year or three-year contract, instead of one month. He explained that when temporary sweeper-cleaners received permanent status some time ago, these particular sweeper cleaners who will benefit from the back-payment, did not qualify for pension and so they remained on contract and have been receiving gratuity every six months.