September 7, 2024



Vagrant enters LHC female ward and slept beside nurse

Nurses and patients warded at the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), female ward, were terrified, after a vagrant known to be violent in Linden, entered the ward early Saturday morning before entering the nurses’ rest room. He then slept beside one of the nurses while she was on her rest time.

The nurses relayed to INFO 10, that their colleague was on her rest time around 04:00 hrs, when she felt someone touching her. She then realised it was not one of her colleagues, since no males worked that shift. Much to her surprise, it was a well known vagrant. Fearing for her life, the nurse said she stayed still, rather than to raise an alarm

A few minutes after, he was snoring and then got up and walked out the ward. She alerted the other colleagues and the security who began searching for him. The nurses relayed to INFO 10, that the same vagrant reportedly went into the pediatric ward on Tuesday evening and stole three tins of paint. He was seen selling the paint around Linden. They reasoned that he went back on Saturday to see what more he could have carted off, but the pediatric ward was locked so he ventured to the female ward.

Nurses are calling the incident a serious breach of security and have made a report to the Supervisor on the issue. One of the female patients said she saw him tip toeing around the ward. No one knows where the security officer, who was suppose to be patrolling the ward, was doing at the time.