September 7, 2024



Residents want roads prioritised in 2023 budget

Some of the Deplorable roads in Linden

Complaints about the conditions of the roads in Linden communities continue to be made daily by residents and motorists.  With planning and consultations for the 2023 budget now in motion, residents are calling on the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), to prioritise proper roads for communities as this is a sore issue affecting their daily life. Residents are forced to navigate eroded, slushy and ‘pothole’ filled roads, with no proper drains. Calls mount daily on social media calling for intervention from the relevant authorities.

 While roads are always included in the Public Works capital budget, there is the concern that the roads are not of high quality and proper monitoring of contractors is not done, as many of the roads are deemed substandard. In addition, calls are made for it to be mandated that roads be constructed with drains, to ensure longevity. Communities in need of rehabilitated roads are Block 22, Phase Two and Three Amelia’s Ward, Wisroc, Central Amelia’s Ward, amongst others. In some of these communities, the roads are virtually impassable, especially when it rains and severe erosion affect private property. Residents who do not have their own transportation are forced to walk long distances as ‘short drop’ cars refuse to navigate these roads. In addition, they are forced to pay more money if the car has to drive on a deplorable road. In their defense, drivers argue that the roads are costing them more in repairs and maintenance.

 One frustrated Amelia’s Ward resident Aaron Leitch, on Thursday posted on his Facebook page.  “Mr. President Irfaan Ali can you please have the relevant authorities look into this matter for me please. I have made all effort to get some assistance at the regional level. It’s eight months now and to date no one has made an effort to fix this road. It’s almost impassable. I am willing to provide labour to get this work done if the resources can be made available.”

In the consultation with the administration, the RDC resolved, that roads should be built to a high standard. “An example of this is the council’s resolution that where feasible new roads should have drains budgeted for and constructed in keeping with approved budgetary disbursement so that these surfaces could be sealed to the drains, thus making them less susceptible to erosion. This common sense resolution needs to be adhered to, lest we continue to construct roads that fail almost immediately due to a lack of drainage, especially given our soil make-up in this region. The council will also continue to pursue its policy of only budgeting for asphalt roads.”

 Residents are encouraged to submit to the RDC, roads that need rehabilitating in their community as well as other infrastructural projects.