September 7, 2024



Flood waters recede in Linden following multi-agency intervention

The Linden communities that were affected by severe flooding on Tuesday following heavy rainfall throughout Monday evening, have seen a significant reduction in the water levels. Residents have however recorded millions in losses of household appliances and furniture. Communities significantly affected include Noitgedacht, Rainbow City, Victory Valley, Speightland and Kara Kara. Overnight rainfall around Linden measured 170 millimeters in West Watooka, 160.6 millimeters at Wismar, and 123.4 millimeters at Coomacka. Althia Chester, a resident of Rainbow City, said most of her appliances that are in the bottom flat of her home were damaged. “Everything damage, freezer, carpet, washing machine, music system, everything damage,” said Chester who was at the time speaking to Linden’s Mayor Sharma Solomon, who was in the fields with other regional and municipal councillors assessing the damages.

The reduction of the flood waters was as a result of no rain on Wednesday coupled with the swift intervention by government and local agencies such the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), Ministry of Public Works, the Regional Democratic Council and the Linden Mayor and Town Council. BOSAI Minerals Group Guyana also contributed to the intervention with the use of their machinery to clear key areas that were blocked.

In a statement, the Ministry of Public Works noted, “We therefore urge all residents in low-lying areas to take necessary precautionary measures to avoid suffering, while we call on stakeholders to join efforts to render assistance where possible.”

This swift multi-agency corrective intervention saw the cleaning and clearing of debris in the flood prone communities to facilitate better water flow and reduce flooding. One shelter was established by the Civil Defence Commission at the Egbert Benjamin Conference Centre.

On Wednesday some 400 sanitization packages were distributed to affected residents by the Office of the Prime Minister. Residents will also receive food hampers as part of the Government’s flood relief efforts.

Meanwhile regional officials have expressed concern on the tardy response that were given relative to fundamental issues affecting the communities that could have alleviated the flooding. In a statement, Mayor of Linden Sharma Solomon called for swift intervention and corrective action and a more consultative approach to clean-up projects in the town. “Ensure a more inclusive and transparent process for future projects that must involve key stakeholders,” he said.